CXO Security Innovation Awards 2024

As we move into 2024, building a cyber-resilient organization against the backdrop of a constantly changing global threat landscape remains a difficult undertaking for cyber security leaders.

The CXO Security Innovation Awards 2024 is an ideal platform with the vision to recognise the entire security teams of organizations who are making a difference to the world of security.

  • Join the League of Most Security-Innovative Organizations
  • Largest Platform to Recognize Security Innovations & Solutions
  • Prestigious Award Cherished by the Entire Organization
  • Innovation Matters, Not the Size

Nominate Now

Respondent Name *
Company Name *
Designation *
Email *
Mobile *
Address *
City *
State *
Company established in (Year) *
Number of offices/branches across the country *
Please select your company size/type *
Please select the relevant category under which you wish to nominate your solution/project *
Please describe the most interesting and innovative IT security solution/project in the selected category over the last 12 months (you may also submit case study or a video describing about the solution/project) *
Please provide the details of benefits/impact of the security solution/project *

Past Sponsors